Training Modules

iot device training

Azure IoT Central

Training modules for MS Learn that shows how to create an Azure IoT Central application to monitor and manage an IoT device.

web app training

Office Add-in

From training modules in English and Chinese for MS Office that shows the end-to-end development and publishing of an Office Add-in web app, the sample shows the final module in English on how to publish the app to Microsoft Office Store.

SDK/API Documentation

REST API documentation

Cloud Solution Provider REST API

REST API reference guide sample for Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider program (CSP) during the general audience launch in April 2015.

API documentation

3D Graphics Software API

A sample of conceptual guide from the UI library SDK documentation for 3D modeling and animation software suite 480nm.

Technical Editing and Translation

technical editing

Deployment Guide for a Skype Plugin

Deployment Guide for Virtual Health Solution is shown with two versions (revised vs. the original with Markup turned on) as samples for editing and revising developer guides.

technical translation

File Formats Comparison

Comparison of OFD and PDF File Formats is shown as a sample for technical translation from simplified Chinese to English.